This mast-mounted preamplifier features one input covering the entire TV band and can be used with any TV antenna (VHF, VHF/UHF or UHF). Unique to Televes, the new T-Force preamplifier family features automatic gain control ensuring an optimum amount of signal is delivered at all times despite changes in the receiving conditions and avoiding over or under amplification situations. The automatic gain control is independent per band so that adjustments to the UHF channels do not impact VHF channels and vice-versa. It features high gain and powerful output level while the high screening cast metal chassis ensures best-in-class electromagnetic shielding protection. Cast metal and high-grade ABS plastic construction for reliable outdoor installation withstanding the harshest elements. This particular unit is an entirely new design optimized for the new repack TV frequencies. Its fine-tuned steep filters reject any out-of-band interference, including FM and 5G signals over 608 MHz. A low-consumption UL-listed power supply is included providing two outputs for convenient distribution to additional TV sets. This Televes preamplifier can also pass power to an active antenna when needed.
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